Nine Travelling Tips For a Healthy Skin
Travelling makes your skin dry and dull. The irregular regime and sometimes a hectic schedule take away all the glow from the skin and hair. Trying to look good while you’re travelling is probably one of the biggest challenges faced by many. But did you know that travel and beauty are not mutually exclusives at all? Just a few tips will help you to get back the lost glow.
Here are a few tips to follow so that you can embrace the thrills of travelling with a huge carefree smile!
1. Shampooing with care
Even though you are in a hurry to explore the city, shampooing is needed to protect your hair from unwanted dust and heat. If you are going to the touristy places like the Bahamas, it is easy to follow the regimes there. If you are staying at one of the rental homes in the Bahamas, they will have proper well-equipped washrooms to follow your regime and so will other popular touristy places. Conditioning is also necessary to keep the hair free-flowing and hassle-free. Use a dry shampoo if you are in a place where washrooms are not so well equipped or if the climate doesn’t permit you to do the regular one.
2. Moisturise the skin
A deep moisturising regime during the night before boarding your flight is a strong recommendation from many beauty experts. This will hydrate your skin giving it an opportunity to breathe. Pick your moisturizer according to your skin type. Moisturising gives a glow to your skin making the whole trip comfy and breezy. Wear only moisturisers. It is highly advised to keep the foundation away from the skin on the day of travelling. But in case you are not comfortable stepping out of the house without the foundation do not forget to put some primer before.
3. Misty affair
During the hours of a long journey, if the foundation is making you uncomfortable and if you think that is it important to put some more foundation, no girl, you got this wrong! Never ever glob on more foundation while travelling. In case you think that it is looking weird, put a mister of mineral water and add a dab of moisturizer. In the case of oily skin, carry blotting papers or rice papers. This will help you to dab off the excess oil from the T-zone. This will give a dew-fresh look saving you from the typical ‘tired travel look’!
4. Apply sunscreen and lip balm
Be it a beach or the mountains, sunscreen is the most essential beauty products to carry while travelling. It is advised to use a high SPF one. The skincare specialists advice to carry a sunscreen, not below SPF 50. Otherwise get ready to get tanned. Many sunscreen lip balms are also very useful during the travelling days. Apply both at a regular interval, providing a shield for the team. Skip the long-lasting lipsticks as that will only make your lips dry.
5. Avoid heavy accessorising
There is no need to put your mascara. A little bit of Kohl will make your eyes look less feeble, however, mascaras are strict ‘no-no’. Asking why? The mascara can melt down very easily creating a trouble while you are travelling. It is also better not to put on eye-liners. The heavy nail polish is advised to be avoided as it chips too easily and leaves you looking unfinished. Natural sheen, nude, sheer is the travel genres to follow while painting your nails before travelling.
6. Beauty Sleep and cleansing
A sound sleep and your skin are directly related and share a bond of a lifetime. The beauty sleep, as we call it, is one of the essential parts of your travel plans. If you are aware of the need, you will have to organise the daily routine in a way that you don’t miss out on the fun activities while taking care of your skin. Carry your cleanser and use it every day before going to bed. Pack your products, and make sure you follow your routine even while travelling.
7. Hydrating the body
Hydration is the biggest problem while travelling. Drink a lot of water and not just that, keep juicy fruits, veggies, soups for the meals. Cucumbers, watermelon, pineapple, celery, radishes, tomatoes, green peppers, strawberries, grapefruit, cantaloupe, oranges, lettuce, zucchinis, and cabbage are the most preferred items for meals while travelling. Keep a bottle of water always handy so that you can keep drinking water throughout the day.
8. Keep your hands off
Touching the face essentially means a transmission of germs from your hand to your face. Travelling makes your skin more prone to germs and dirt which later cause pimples. To avoid any kind of unnatural activities, keep the hands-off, especially in public places. Use wet or dry tissue (depending on the situation) to keep your face healthy and germs free.
9. Pack wisely
You may have a lot of skincare and haircare products. There is no point in carrying them all while you are travelling. Depending on the climate of the places you are visiting, pack your bag very wisely so that you don’t leave back the most essential items. A few of the basic essentials are – wet wipes, dry tissue, Kohl pencil, moisturiser, face wash etc. Your skin will go through a lot of stress so it better uses the gentler products while travelling. Avoid carrying the electronic gadgets. For hair, carry a shampoo, conditioner and a serum. You are good to go!
Travelling can look like a few days of relaxation, it may seem to be stress-free days for you but your skin is opened to many possible skin problems. Follow the above bits of advice and your skin will walk through the travelling days in a healthy and stress-free way.