Foot Care At Home Tips: Feet Soaking Methods

Home is the place where you get the solution of most of your health and daily care needs. Home remedies are available for the care of your foot. These are the best to find, easy to use and cost effective means to care for your foot. Home remedies involve the items that do not have any major side effect along with them.

Decreased circulation and changes in the blood vessels in the extremities can cause healing to be delayed. Complications can be devastating, if cuts and sores become infected. If the body can’t fend off the infection, gangrene can develop. Amputation of the affected limb is often the result. Reduce the risk of complications and infections by following these tips.

Inspect Your Feet

Make sure to inspect your feet daily. Any signs of trauma such as redness or blisters, cuts, cracks, swelling or color changes should be reported to your health care provider immediately. Using a mirror can help you see all areas on the bottoms of your feet.

Does The Shoe Fit?

Be certain that your shoes fit with room to wiggle your toes. Look inside your shoes before putting them on, in case there are any foreign objects hiding in there, such as gravel, that could cause sores or irritation. Wear clean well-fitting socks.

Toe The Line

Wash feet everyday and make sure that you dry them thoroughly. Inspect between your toes.

Nail Care

Always cut nails straight across and then smooth the edges with an emery board. For ease in cutting toenails, trim them after your bath or shower.

Do Not Self-Treat

See a podiatrist for corns, calluses or ingrown toenails. Do not attempt to self-treat these conditions.

Prevent Cracking

If your skin is dry, apply cream or petroleum jelly to feet and heels, but avoid the area between your toes. If cream sits in the crevices it can water log the skin and make it more susceptible to infection.

Keep Circulation Flowing

Try not to cross your legs when you sit down. This can limit circulation.

Keeping It Moderate

Protect your feet from extremes in temperature. Keep bath water temperate in the 85-90 F degree range (30-32 C). If neuropathy is present, you may not be able to feel if the water is too hot, and burns could result. Never use heating pads or hot water bottles. Protect your feet from temperatures that are too cold, as well. Prolonged cold can decrease circulation even more.

Natural Foot Care

Feet Soak

Supplies Needed

  • 1 cup Lemon Juice
  • ¼ tsp Cinnamon Powder
  • 2 tbsp Olive Oil
  • ¼ cup Milk
  • Water
  • Tub


  • Fill a tub with warm water and put the lemon juice, cinnamon powder, olive oil and milk in it. Mix well.
  • Put your feet in the tub and let them soak in the water for 10-15 minutes.
  • Now, wash your feet with a mild soap, dry them with a towel and apply a foot care cream.

Foot Lotion

Supplies Needed

  • 1 tbsp Almond Oil
  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 tsp Wheat Germ Oil
  • 12 drops Eucalyptus Essential/Fragrance Oil
  • Bottle (dark-colored)


  • Take a dark colored bottle and put almond oil, olive oil, wheat germ oil and eucalyptus oil in it.
  • Shake the bottle shake extremely well and store in a cool, dry place.
  • To use the lotion, just rub it into your feet and heels, after you have cleaned and dried them.

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1 Response

  1. This is valuable information presented in a clear, concise manner. Healthy foot care includes a soothing soak in warm water at the end of each day. A 15 minute soak in a foot bath removes the dead skin, sweat and bacteria that come out of the 250,000 sweat glands in the feet. When you care for your feet in this simple way you not only eliminate foot odor but also relieve stress throughout your body.