229 Search results

For the term "during pregnancy".
Overweight Women and Pregnancy: Useful Information

Overweight Women and Pregnancy: Useful Information

You should expect to gain between twenty five and thirty five pounds throughout your pregnancy. However, since over half of all women in North America are classified as over weight, what complications could pregnancy...

Pregnancy Symptoms In A 1 Week

Pregnancy Symptoms In A 1 Week

Many women who become pregnant for the first time start to count down their pregnancy from the time the pregnancy is confirmed. But once you start reading all of baby books and reading all...

What is a Blighted Ovum Pregnancy?

What is a Blighted Ovum Pregnancy?

If you have had an early miscarriage, you might have been told you had a blighted ovum. A blighted ovum is a very early miscarriage. When an ovum is blighted it does not mean...