What Happened In Nine Week Of Pregnancy
Wow. You’ve made it to nine weeks Now that you are a little further into your pregnancy, you may be feeling a little more pregnant. Morning sickness, fatigue, and those infamous pregnancy hormones may be taking their toll on your normal disposition. Mood swings are very common during pregnancy. In this week’s newsletter we are going to talk about mood swings and how to handle them. We are also going to give you some funny comebacks for annoying things people might be saying to you. We hope you enjoy this week’s newsletter.
Baby’s Development
Your uterus is still growing, now closer to a small cantaloupe than a grapefruit. By this week, you may notice that you feel more bloated and lethargic than ever before. You may notice an increase in weight gain, which may be more associated with fluid retention than actual weight. This may apply throughout your pregnancy week by week. One thing you should avoid doing while pregnant is weighing yourself every day. Weight gain can fluctuate as much as 1-5 pounds in the course of a single day, and such fluctuations can be discouraging. If you can hold off until your prenatal visits, you might avoid the pain of constant weight fluctuations.
If, however, you are determined to weigh yourself frequently during pregnancy, consider weighing once a week, at the same time of day, right after you get up in the morning and empty your bladder. Doing so will provide the most consistent results and will help eliminate excessive worries about daily weight changes. A new pair of maternity jeans will relieve the anxiety related to weight fluctuations.
Not all the weight you gain is stored as fat. At birth, your baby may weigh between 6 to 8 pounds. The uterus expands during pregnancy and may weigh about 2 pounds. The afterbirth or placenta generally weighs 1.5 pounds. Your breast tissue will grow during pregnancy and may weigh up to 1.5 to 2 pounds. Your blood volume will increase and add up to 4 pounds of weight. The fluid retained by your body during pregnancy can weigh as much as 4 pounds. The amniotic fluid surrounding your baby will weigh approximately 2 pounds. The maternal fat stores will add about 7 pounds of weight to your total weight gain. By the end of pregnancy you will gain approximately 18 to 35 pounds.
Here’s the skinny on losing pregnancy weight after you deliver your baby most women will lose the bulk of their pregnancy weight in the first three months after delivery. In general, you will lose 10-13 pounds during the birthing process from the weight of the infant and placenta. An additional 7-11 pounds will be lost after the first postpartum week. The remaining extra pounds will be shed with good eating habits and a regular pregnancy exercise program. You will be back to your normal weight and fitting into your pre-pregnancy clothes in just a short few months, as long as you take care to exercise and eat healthily in the weeks following pregnancy.
How Your Life’s Changing
Physically you’re unlikely to look pregnant unless this pregnancy isn’t your first, but you may feel very tired and sick not necessarily in the mornings so take care of yourself. Pregnancy hormones can also wreak havoc in other ways. Many women suffer from painful headaches and back problems such as sciatica and, unfortunately, these hormones also help make the perfect environment for vaginal thrush. Whatever your particular pregnancy annoyance, follow our suggestions for natural remedies you can try.
Staying active can mean a healthier pregnancy and a faster recovery after the birth. Don’t overdo it though choose a safe exercise program recommended throughout pregnancy and make sure you don’t get too hot.
It’s early, but how you sit and the activities that you choose to do in pregnancy can make all the difference in helping your baby to get into a good position for birth later on and mean that you have the stamina for an active birth. It’s a good idea to start thinking about these things now so that you can get into good habits.
What To Expect
If you are over 35 years of age or have a family history of genetic illness then you can talk with your health care provider to guide you with prenatal tests which can be performed between the ninth and the twelfth week to detect chromosomal abnormalities and genetic disorders if any. The disadvantage is that these tests do not give details about the severity of the abnormality if it is detected. Minor health problems faced by you at this stage might be varicose veins and piles which can occur due to constipation and pressure on the legs or due to hereditary factors. One can prevent these by including a diet rich in fiber and exercising regularly or at least periodically to improve circulation and digestion. Pelvic floor exercises can be learnt, walking or swimming is other beneficial exercises. Aromatherapy, acupuncture, homeopathy or other ayurvedic treatments can be used which are safe and have no side effects on the baby. Avoid incorrect postures while standing or sitting for long periods as this can aggravate symptoms.
It is better to make a list of questions before visiting the doctor as you might have various queries to make. The uterus has increased to the size of a grapefruit and the stomach is getting bigger in size so you will need to alter your dresses to make them lose and comfortable to wear. You might still be experiencing the symptoms of early pregnancy such as nausea, dizziness and fatigue.
The best advice to offer new moms to be at this week of pregnancy is to take one day at a time. Don’t start thinking ahead because you are only at the ninth week and you have 32 weeks left. It will be a long and trying pregnancy if you start to think of your pregnancy weeks ahead of time.
Everyone says that you should enjoy your pregnancy; it can be hard to do that while you are exercising morning sickness, heartburn and fatigue. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. You are just four weeks away from completing your first trimester.
Doctors visits will include sonograms and listening to fetal heartbeats. These are truly the best parts of pregnancy. Seeing the baby grow from the start to the day they are born is truly a miracle. Once you hear the baby’s heartbeat, any doubt you have will wash away. But you still have to do your part by staying healthy, getting plenty of rest and easting better. You don’t have to totally change your eating habits but make a few adjustments, eat more fruits and vegetables. You will feel better and have more energy.