Breast Tenderness, Symptom and Signs of Pregnancy
Is Breast Tenderness a Sign of Pregnancy?
Sore breasts and nipples are a common complaint in early pregnancy. During the first eight weeks of pregnancy the breasts, nipples and areola enlarge. Sometimes quite dramatically. The areola may darken in color. Some women describe a tingling sensation. Others may feel fullness in their breasts along with breast tenderness.
Other Symptoms of Pregnancy
Other symptoms of pregnancy include a missed period, nausea and vomiting, better known as morning sickness, and urinary frequency. Some women experience breast tenderness as part of premenstrual syndrome, PMS. A pregnancy test is the best way to confirm pregnancy.
Pregnancy Symptoms and Signs of Pregnancy
Breasts, Nipples and areola Enlarge
Breast Tenderness
Nausea and Vomiting
Urinary Frequency
Morning Sickness
Missed Period