Impressive Examples of Dew Photography
The dew photography refers to the photographs that are taken for droplets that appear in thin objects and creates shapes based on the original object. Those drops are colorful and delicate, warm and cold at the same time. They are simply remarkable and considered to be the best illustration of macro photography.
The drops sparkle like pearls on the surface, where ever they fall. This drops are delicate and cold and they are the beauty of mother nature. In this post we present some refreshing images to brighten your day.
Natural Beauty Dew and Macro Insect
Daisy Flower in a Dew Drop – Dalantech
Carnation Dewdrops Photographer
Dew on Pink and Cream Rose – Photography Crissie
Dew Drop Refraction of Flower 3 by Alliec
Spider Web Dew Drops Attraction – Gil-Levy
Dew Soaked Spiders Web by MimaD
Dew Drops and Damselfly on Plant – Tanya Puntti
Dew Droped on Dragonfly – Nipun Tantia
Lower Huron Metro Park Morning Dew