Easy Ways to Earn Money Online With Your Blog

Do you want to earn money by blogging? A blog is a web log or an online diary that can be for business  or pleasure. Many people now earn part – time or even full – time salaries by blogging for money. Find out a few ways that you can monetize your blog and earn money for your efforts.

Many of the people who write blogs today simply want to share their opinion on something. But then there are the business – minded folks, who have found a way to use blogs, or Web logs, to bring in a little extra cash too.

What is a Blog?

A blog is short for “Web Blog”. Basically, it is just a website that has entries listed in reverse chronological order. The original idea behind it was to be a online journal or diary that was updated daily (or as frequently as the writer chose). Over the last decade many software programs and blogging platforms have been created to make the process VERY EASY. As the blog writer, depending on which platform you use, you can just type your entry, press submit and it shows up on your blog for the world to see. Most Bloggers don’t know any programming languages and are not “techies.” Starting a blog is one of the easiest ways out there to start a website. If you haven’t started one yet, why not try it? It can be very quick to set up and can be completely free.

If you’re interested in taking it further – blogging for bucks, if you will – here are five strategies that could turn your blog into a moneymaker

Sell Advertising

This is likely the most common means of leveraging a blog happens to become a well – known blog, or one that is well-received in a particular niche, it’s always possible to sell ad space on your own. For lesser – known blogs, services such as Google’s AdSense or BlogAds enable bloggers to establish ad programs.AdSense’s – which lets you select several ads that are consistent with the content of your blog – pays you based on how many readers click on the ads

for further information. Even better, it’s free. BlogAds, on the other hand, hooks bloggers up with would-be advertisers and levies a commission in return for any ad placements that result. “The nice thing, too, is that the ads are relatively unobtrusive,” says Scott Allen, co-author of “The Virtual Handshake: Opening Doors and Closing Deals Online.

Help Sell Others’ Products

Here is another click-through opportunity. Affiliate programs enable your blog to serve as a conduit between readers and online sites offering various goods and services. One popular choice is Amazon.com. If, for instance, you offer book reviews or even just mention a book in passing in your blog, an affiliate program provides a means for your readers to click directly from your blog to Amazon to obtain further information about the book. If they break out the checkbook or charge card, you get paid as well.

Solicit Contributions

Not every blog – related income opportunity involves hawking goods or services. As Blanche DuBois did in “A Streetcar Named Desire,” consider relying on the kindness of strangers. Ask for contributions. If, for instance, your small – business blog supports a cause or issue in some fashion – say you repeatedly mention tax reform, health care or some other topic – you can always ask for reader support. Even if you’ve attracted a group of regular followers who simply enjoy reading what you have to say, they may be willing to underwrite their loyalty with a little financial help.

Programs such as PayPal make it easy to establish a simple on-site contribution collection button. “There are lots of worthy ’cause’ blogs that would qualify for donations from grateful members of the blog community,” says Las Vegas communications consultant Ned Barnett.

Market Your Services in Your Blog

Many people associate blogs exclusively  with a cyberspace-based soapbox – a place to shout your opinions and little more than that. Granted, blogs are an ideal venue to share your thoughts with others, but don’t overlook their capacity to generate new business as well. When appropriate, work in references to what you do and, in turn, what you may be able to offer any would – be client or customer who may be reading your blog. That can spread your opinion and your business moxie at the same time.”Instead of short commentaries that begin a dialogue with readers, as many blogs do, I write the equivalent of journal articles that demonstrate my abilities, strategies and perspectives on specific issues,” Barnett says. “When it resonates, it means money. Since starting this approach, I have generated three new paying clients and brought in about $10,000 on revenue – directly attributable to specific blogs.

Use a Blog to Deepen Your Existing Customer Relations

Nor does any marketing material inserted in blog content have to be limited to bringing in completely new business. By using a blog  to regularly communicate with existing clients as well as other readers, you can take advantage of the opportunity to fully inform them about everything your business does. That may expand your readers’ understanding of the full scope of your products or services.”My blog has helped existing clients determine the range of my skills and services,” says Ted Demopoulos of Demopoulos Associates, a Durham, N.H. consulting and training concern. “One client who had only used me for training in the past was surprised at my range of expertise and is now using me for a consulting project. Another who only used me on technical projects is now considering me for a more business – oriented project.

Post Comments on Other Blogs

Blogs are everywhere – there’s certainly not a shortage of them. You should have no problem finding other bloggers in your niche that are popular and interesting. Bookmark those that you like, follow their topics daily, and if you find something that sparks your interest – comment.

Become a participating voice in the community. The more interesting your comments are, the more likely your peers will follow you to your blog. And who knows – you might stand out among the crowd and be recognized by the author, which can spin off into better opportunities.


  • Google will ban Adsense participants for fraud click and cancel any earnings owing if fraud is suspected. Do not click your own advertisements as Google tracks IP addresses and suspicious behavior. Do not tell your family or friends to click your advertisements as a favor to you. Google’s algorithm is very advanced, and once your account is banned, it’s nearly impossible to be reinstated.

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1 Response

  1. I like your blog. I am at my maternity leave and have been working online from home for two years. It is possible to earn good money, but it took me some time until I found a legit online job. For me it was surveys online, but you need to be careful because there are a lot of fake sites.