7 Best Herbal Teas to Help Beat the Panic Attacks
Panic attacks are more common than you think. They are a bleak reality for those who struggle with their mental health. However, these attacks can occur to anyone. Although several symptoms can occur concurrently, a panic attack is most commonly characterized by a period of intense fear. Your body has run amok and is tricking your mind that you’re in danger. When in reality, there is no danger.
Panic attacks can occur frequently or sparingly. It varies from person to person. Some may only suffer from one or two episodes their entire lifetime. Others may suffer from a panic attack without actually realizing they’ve had one.

According to various studies, a significant number of people will suffer from at least one panic attack in their lifetime. Since information is power, being well-informed about panic attacks (and what to do when one strikes) is helpful in the event you or someone you know suffers from one.
Why do panic attacks occur?
Panic attacks occur for various reasons. Some people have an increased likelihood of developing this disorder because of genetics. Trauma or a frightening event can cause someone to develop panic disorder as well.
Most attacks are usually triggered by a preceding event, a reminder of trauma or seeing a threat when there is none. Other major triggers include stress and emotional distress. There are some instances when an attack occurs, and there is no obvious trigger.
What does a typical panic attack look like?
Panic attack symptoms include a sudden increase in pulse, sweating, trembling, throat tightness, chills, tightening of the chest, sudden tiredness, headaches, dizziness, and more. Although these sensations can be overwhelming, it’s important to stay calm. The more you focus on these sensations, the worse an attack may feel. Panic attacks can’t cause you any physical harm. If you’re over 40 or have a heart condition, it’s important to see a doctor right away because the symptoms of a panic attack are very similar to a heart attack.
Addressing a panic attack
Now that you know why panic attacks occur, you might be wondering what to do when you do have a panic attack.
Learning the signs and finding various ways to reduce the debilitating effects of a panic attack is a game-changer for those who constantly suffer from them. Don’t fear. There are various means available to help alleviate these uncomfortable symptoms. These stress-reducing techniques include the following:
Breathing techniques
A common complication of a panic attack is hyperventilating. Yoga breathing techniques are very helpful in preventing this. They can also reduce the amount of time a panic attack lasts. A breathing technique is simple, just slowly breathe in through your nose and out through your pursed lips. A popular method is the 4-7-8, a technique where you inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breaths for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds. Slowing your breathing can help relax and normalize your breathing pattern to prevent hyperventilating.
Relaxation techniques
During a panic attack, most people feel frightened (or a sense of doom) while suffering from physical symptoms such as tense muscles and a racing heartbeat. Practicing mindfulness is a great way to alleviate these symptoms. When you become aware of your tense muscles and relax them, you trick your mind into thinking it’s safe. This will take your body out of fight or flight mode and help your body relax.
Medication and supplements
There are several ways to manage a panic attack. Taking anxiety medication is the most common way. But you need to be diagnosed with panic disorder by a doctor to get a prescription. However, some might not want to take medication. The side effects of anxiety medications may outweigh its benefits. If you’re looking for alternatives, there are herbal remedies that are scientifically proven to help.
Some herbal substances have been scientifically shown to reduce the symptoms of panic attacks and anxiety. These remedies come in several forms, such as tea, powder, and pills. To boost the effectiveness of any herbal substances you may use it together with one of the ayurvedic remedies called pure hiimalayan shilajit which has an organic fulvic acid to improve nutrient absorption.
Some of these herbal substances include:
Lemon balm: This tea is shown to induce relaxation of the central nervous system by sending compounds that help relax the body. And, in turn, help soothe the mind.
Chamomile: Known for its “sleep effect,” this herb provides soothing relief for those who have trouble sleeping. It works by gradually transitioning the body into a relaxed state that helps induce sleep.
Indian ginseng: This is a common Ayurvedic herb that helps ameliorate the body’s stress response. It may help reduce the frequency of panic attacks.
Motherwort: This herb helps slow the heart’s pulse rate. Since it helps slow down the heart it may prevent you from developing uncomfortable heart palpitations. It also reduces the occurrence of chest pain.
Oat straw: An ancient herb that’s known for actively calming down the nervous system, oat straw is typically taken with honey as a symptom-relieving tea.
Hawthorn: This tea is perfect for inducing sleep for those who suffer from anxiety-related insomnia. Hawthorn is very effective in helping the body and mind feel sleepy.
Lime blossom: This tea is a great sleep-inducing tea, with the bonus of immune-boosting qualities that make it superb for drinking daily.
If you do suffer from a panic attack, you should speak to a physician right away. This is because a panic attack has similar symptoms to a heart attack. Talking to a physician is important because only they can accurately diagnose you, and only they can ensure that you don’t miss a potentially serious health problem. If your healthy, they can refer you to a mental health professional to help you cope in a healthy way.