Children Hair Loss Causes and Treatments
Children hair treatment is very important to their health as well as their feeling of well being about looking nice in the presence of their friends. Children’s hair goes through different phases of development over time but generally, in younger years, their hair has a different body, texture, density, softness and even color than it will be in adult years. So it takes special types of treatment.
However, a small percentage of children, have to deal with the problem throughout their adult life. The hair loss occurs in children due to various reasons. The causes can be a traumatic incident, genetic condition, fungal infections, poor hygiene, medications, or some serious illnesses.
For some forms of hair loss, a turn around or complete return of hair happens, but it can take a very long time. If your child is suffering from this condition of hair loss, read below for the causes and treatments that can help you.
Causes of Hair Loss in Children
Many people think that a child’s hair loss is associated with childhood cancer. However, it is usually the cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation, that causes the hair loss and not the cancer itself.
A fungal infection of the scalp, known as tinea capitis (ringworm of the scalp), is transmitted by contact through the sharing of combs, brushes, towels etc. Although not dangerous, it can cause considerable hair loss in children.
Hair loss can be the result of a child’s compulsion to pull out his or her hair, resulting in patchy hair loss. Sickness and/or severe emotional stress can result in hair loss, which is generally not permanent once the child recovers.
Alopecia areata is the sudden appearance of round or oval patches of hair loss. Alopecia areata is thought to be caused by the body’s immune system attacking the hair follicles.
Children Hair Loss Treatments
There are three main types of hair loss for which treatment is available.
Tinea Capitis:
An anti-fungal oral and topical treatment is recommended. Visit your physician for medical prescription of oral drugs. There are topical anti-fungal creams available to treat this condition. You might have to get the child a close haircut or a complete shave. Using sulfide based shampoos are helpful in treating this condition. Oral medication and washing the hair with medicated shampoo, once in a week can help the child recover fast.
Telogen Effluvium:
Topical steroids are used for this condition of hair fall among children. Some children respond to it while others do not. Consult a medical expert for prescriptions. There are some side effects of topical steroids like mild irritation of the scalp, so, medical supervision is required for proper treatment.
Alopecia Areata:
This treatment should also be adopted after medical consultation, as the treatment requires cortisone injections in the hair follicles. Sometimes, hair loss can be psychologically disturbing for a child. Hence, a dermatologist tries different medications and treatments to stimulate hair growth.