Category: Pregnancy

24th Weeks Pregnant: Fetal Development

24th Weeks Pregnant: Fetal Development

You are twenty-four weeks pregnant now. It won’t be too much longer till you are through the second trimester. You may be trying to decide where baby will sleep. You probably have a crib,...

Information About 23 Weeks of Pregnancy

Information About 23 Weeks of Pregnancy

You are twenty-three weeks pregnant now. If you are having a boy, you and your partner may be trying to decide if you will want to have your son circumcised. There are many reasons...

Information About 18 Weeks of Pregnancy

Information About 18 Weeks of Pregnancy

Now that you are eighteen weeks pregnant, you are probably feeling more comfortable with your pregnancy. You have probably told everyone that you are pregnant by now. If this is not your first baby,...

What Happened In 17 Week of Pregnancy

What Happened In 17 Week of Pregnancy

By this week in your pregnancy, you will find yourself much more relaxed and feeling much more comfortable. You body has adjusted to the hormonal changes as well as the physical changes. Every week...

Nuchal Translucency Screening: You Must Know

Nuchal Translucency Screening: You Must Know

Beginning in the mid-nineties, doctors and sonographers began implementing a new type of prenatal screening. The name of this new screening tool: the Nuchal Translucency Screening or NT screening. Performed in the first trimester...