Category: Pregnancy

Leukorrhea: What Is It, What Does It Mean?

Leukorrhea: What Is It, What Does It Mean?

When Does Leukorrhea Start If you’re pregnant, you’ve more than likely experienced some heavy vaginal discharge. Leukorrhea is the scary-sounding term for excessive vaginal discharge that occurs frequently during pregnancy. But don’t be put...

Slow Rising hCG Levels

Slow Rising hCG Levels

Can hcg Levels Rise Slowly Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or hCG is more commonly known as “the Pregnancy Hormone” – unless hCG is injected into the body or taken in a pill form, the only...

Fetal Development Month by Month

Fetal Development Month by Month

Pregnancy Month by Month Month 1: Your first month of pregnancy your baby will accomplish many things, first and foremost, conception, fertilization, and implantation. After a woman ovulates, the egg is normally fertilized within...

Am I Pregnant? How Early Can I Test?

Am I Pregnant? How Early Can I Test?

How Soon Can I Check a Pregnancy Test at Home? If you and your partner are trying to conceive, one of the hardest parts is the waiting. The infamous two week wait is enough...

False Positive Pregnancy Test

False Positive Pregnancy Test

If you’ve taken a home pregnancy test and get two lines (or a plus sign depending on the brand and type of test), you assume this means you are pregnant. After all, home pregnancy...

Home Pregnancy Test Accuracy Chart

Home Pregnancy Test Accuracy Chart

Want to know the real stats on pregnancy tests? We have asked our members to help us develop stats from real moms on the accuracy of pregnancy tests. Pregnancy Test Accuracy Chart If you...

Can You Get Pregnant During Your Period?

Can You Get Pregnant During Your Period?

Yes you can get pregnant during your period, but your chances of getting pregnant during your period are slim. The best time for a woman to get pregnant is around the middle of her...

Breast Tenderness, Symptom and Signs of Pregnancy

Breast Tenderness, Symptom and Signs of Pregnancy

Is Breast Tenderness a Sign of Pregnancy? Sore breasts and nipples are a common complaint in early pregnancy. During the first eight weeks of pregnancy the breasts, nipples and areola enlarge. Sometimes quite dramatically....