What are Some Best Natural Ways to Induce Labor – Pregnancy
As you reach the end of your pregnancy, you may begin looking for natural ways to induce labor. Please keep in mind that you should not use any of these methods until you are...
As you reach the end of your pregnancy, you may begin looking for natural ways to induce labor. Please keep in mind that you should not use any of these methods until you are...
Pitocin is a man made synthetic drug form of Oxytocin, a hormone made in the body that causes the uterus to contract. Doctors generally use Pitocin to start labor and speed up the labor...
Many women who have had a previous cesarean birth question whether or not they should have a repeat c-section or try for a vaginal birth. Most women who have had cesareans can have vaginal...
As you approach the last weeks of pregnancy, you may wonder when labor will begin, whether symptoms you may be having could be the start of labor, and when you should call your doctor...
Considering a water-birth? Think about it this way..Wouldn’t a peacful and serene birth, with a relaxed and focused mother be a wonderful way to bring a baby into this world? Having a waterbirth is...
When the body is ready, usually between 38 and 42 weeks gestation, it releases hormones that cause the uterus to contract. Contractions help dilate and thin the cervix so your baby can be born....
Pain relief during labor and childbirth can be achieved a number of ways, some natural, others involving medication. A popular choice for many expectant mothers is an epidural, where anesthetic is injected via a...
If you’re pregnant, you’ve probably already started hearing about which is the “best” method of delivery and the “ideal” position for labor. But here’s why you shouldn’t stress out about it ahead of time:...
Delivering a premature infant is a very traumatic experience. When we find out we’re pregnant, we plan our lives around the estimated 40 week “incubation” period. There is almost no way possible to prepare...
Preterm labor is a fear of many expectant mothers. Preterm labor is defined as labor that occurs after 20 weeks but before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Certain women are at greater risk for premature...