Author: vision

Beautiful Ladybug Tattoo Designs For Girls

Beautiful Ladybug Tattoo Designs For Girls

Ladybug is one of the few insects that have secured a very special place in the world of tattooing. What makes this tiny insect a popular tattoo design is its cuteness, as well as...

Broiled Cod Recipe: Your First Chies

Broiled Cod Recipe: Your First Chies

A truly magical recipe for boiled cod not only looks nice but also tastes great! This boiled cod is a perfect main dish. Stock up on bags full of fish as you will want...

Do You Know About History Of Egyptian Tattoos

Do You Know About History Of Egyptian Tattoos

Egyptian tattoos, like many other tattoo designs from mythology or ancient cultures, are growing in popularity. They are tasteful, socially acceptable, and a great way of exploring and utilizing art imagery from all over...

Overview About Tibetan Tattoo History

Overview About Tibetan Tattoo History

In recent years, Tibetan tattoos have become increasingly popular, mostly due to celebrity adoption of the ancient art. The Tibetan language has existed for many centuries and is considered sacred. Many tattoo artists specialize...

What To Expect Thirty Three Weeks Pregnant

What To Expect Thirty Three Weeks Pregnant

Okay ladies. Welcome to week thirty-three. We promised you a newsletter about pain relief and not just the “hee-hee-hoo” kind. This week’s newsletter is for all you girls that just don’t like pain or...

32 Weeks Pregnant: Pregnancy Week By Week

32 Weeks Pregnant: Pregnancy Week By Week

Hello moms-to-be. We are excited to see you have made it to week thirty-two. We know that some of you gals are planning to have a natural childbirth, one free of pain medications and...

What Happened In 31 Weeks Pregnant

What Happened In 31 Weeks Pregnant

This is the week of fast weight gain for both the new mom to be and the baby. The baby’s are mature by now and the baby can open and close their eyes by...