Author: najam

Is Botox A Better Alternative Than Surgical Options

The anti-ageing industry has been growing at a consistent speed over the past decade.  Traditionally the big-spending has been in cosmetics. Cosmetic products however only fix the problems on the surface. It requires the...

What is The Best Plastic Surgery?

The popularity of plastic surgeries is growing every year. In the last decade, the total number of plastic surgeries in the world has increased by 98% following the American Society of Plastic Surgery report....

4 Must-Know Causes of Rosacea

Rosacea, also regarded as acne rosacea, is a skin condition that causes pus-filled bumps and redness on the face. It’s an inflammatory skin condition that makes your face’s blood vessels visible. Flushing or blushing...

Know These 7 Best Hairstyles For Men

Men today have a wide range of options when it comes to their hair. Whether you are rocking short or long hair, there is a hairstyle out there that will have you looking sharp...

6 Benefits to the Mediterranean Diet

Choosing the proper food plan can be difficult. Simply searching for an ideal food plan is almost as much work as cooking meals or meal prepping. Options can be overwhelming and after awhile, it’s...

Significant Causes of Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars to develop in an adult human being. They are usually four in number located in the very back of your mouth. Two of them...

How To Break in Your New Cowgirl Boots

Fashion and comfort aren’t normally two words that appear together, particularly when it comes to footwear such as boots. Cowgirl boots are such a popular statement piece, but what can one do to make...

Korean Skincare Routine for Teens

A teenager’s skin still has the glow, bounce, and ability to regenerate itself. However, adolescence is also the time you’ll have the first signs of pimples, oiliness, and bumps. Overdoing your routine could lead...