8 Things That Cause Acne in Males and Females
There is no denying the direct relationship between the foods you eat and the quality of your skin. The pimples, whiteheads and blackheads appear because of the excessive oil quantity produced by those glands in combination with the dead cells on the surface of the skin Those and the impurities in the atmosphere are the factors that clog up the pores and cause the whiteheads and blackheads.
Also please don’t think you can cure acne simply by cutting these foods that cause acne’ from your diet. You just set yourself up to fail. There are many reasons for blood sugar problems, chronic inflammation and oxidative stress. I have came up with a list of things that cause acne to form. Below, I am going to give you 8 things that cause acne. If you have acne, then this blog may be worth your time.
The 8 Things That Cause Acne
These are some of the foods that cause acne that have been reported by both teenagers and adults.
1. Sugar:
Sugar is a refine carbohydrate which wreaks havoc on our insulin levels and can be a real problem for acne.
2. Bad Hygiene:
Bad hygiene can also cause acne. You need to learn how to take care of your body by washing it and do it regularly. By doing this, you will have beautiful, radiant skin. Of course, I believe bad hygiene would cause acne. What about you?
3. Fried Foods Cause Acne:
The types of fats we consume on a daily basis have a big impact on the health of our skin. Most commercial fried foods are fried in industrially processed liquid fats and oils such as soy, corn, safflower, cottonseed and canola. These fats are unnatural, act like plastic in your body, and are very damaging to skin health.
4. Dairy Products:
Dairy products are probably the worst foods you can eat if you have acne. First, dairy products are often high-fat; think cheese and ice-cream. As you learned too much fat can cause acne. Second, the milk almost always comes from pregnant cows. The milk from pregnant cows contains hormones.
Finally everybody is allergic to milk – whether we develop visible symptoms or not. The human digestive systems lacks the enzymes to properly digest milk from other animals.
5. Sun Cream:
Most sun creams are bad for acne. Some can work very well. Look at whether the sun cream is suited to those with acne prone skin.
6. Picking:
In order to get rid of acne, many pick and squeeze at the pimples. This can send those skin infections deeper into your skin, which can cause scars to form. I am a firm believer in not picking or squeezing pimples, no matter where they are or how much they are bothering you.
7. High Carbohydrates in Foods:
The most important carbohydrate is glucose, a simple sugar (monosaccharide) that is metabolized by nearly all known organisms. All carbohydrates are eventually converted into glucose, which is then converted to glycogen for storage in the body. In fact, carbohydrates are not even necessary in order to obtain the required amount of glucose needed for the human body to function properly.
8. Chocolate:
Many teenagers find they break out after eating a chocolate candy bar. Some people find that this kind of high sugar milk chocolate causes acne outbreaks, but that a low sugar dark chocolate does not.
For clear skin I recommend cutting out or significantly reducing these 8 acne causing foods from your diet. This may not be enough to cure severe and persistent acne, but it’s a big step to the right direction.