Hair Loss Causes and Treatment for Men and Women Hairs
Every human being lost daily between 60 and 100 hairs in the growth phases of hair. After a shampoo, you can even lose up to 250 hair due to the increased mechanical stress. There is no mention however of pathological hair loss (alopecia) when the daily loss of more than 100 hairs for long periods or in the presence of clear zones glabrous.
Many people would lose their hair very early in life while others begin to lose hair in their late forties. A woman will face hair loss in her menopausal years and also during pregnancy where there is a change in hormone levels.
First, you should look into the nature of the problem and take the help of a medical practitioner who can lead you to the right treatment. Whatever, the cause, the person experiencing the loss of their hair wants the very best hair loss treatment.
Causes of Hair Loss
Here are main two causes of hair loss in women and men:
Psychological Hair Loss Causes:
Hair loss involves 8 different stages. Hair loss treatments may be used to help restore hair for men who are going through any of these stages and want to redress the physical damage caused by baldness. Stress, anxiety and unnecessary worry are some common factors that can increase the rate at which hair loss begins. Once a person starts to notice that they are going bald, they may panic and worry about the problem, which may increase the problems further.
Biological Hair Loss Causes:
Hair loss treatment may also be used to help treat men who are suffering from genetic hair loss causes. Male pattern baldness, as it is more commonly known, happens if the scalp is highly sensitive to androgens certain types of male sex hormones. These hormones circulate naturally in the blood and can cause hair follicles shrink. Through the ageing process, hair follicles shrink to such an extent they are no longer capable of replacing hair that is naturally lost. But with sufficient hair loss treatments such as Propecia, they can be stimulated to grow.
Hair Loss Treatment
Unfortunately there is no silver bullet, despite promises made by many providers. The hair does grow back on bald areas. Therapeutic options are few, especially among women.
- DHT inhibitors (like Propecia, the FDA approved treatment) that restrict the production and action of DHT in the scalp and relieve its harmful effects.
- Hair Transplantation : Hair transplantation is a minor surgical procedure by which hair permanent parts of the scalp that are never normally bald.
- Growth stimulants promote the re-growth of hair but do nothing to reverse existing hair loss. Using a growth stimulant alone will not produce effective results. Most people combine them with DHT inhibitors for best results.
- Hair Loss Products : especially products containing minoxidil, vitamins B. Even if you are unable to stop hair loss due to genetics.
- Anti-androgens prevent DHT from reaching your hair follicles and are not accompanied by many of the side effects of DHT inhibitors.
- Avoid toxic internal (nicotine) and external aggressions (staining, sunbathing).
- Do not dry with hair dryer too long or at too high a temperature.
- Carry out regular gentle massage of the scalp to encourage the blood
In all cases, we must always seek the advice of your doctor who will prescribe you a treatment to prepare the scalp. If hair loss causes are affecting your condition to the point that you feel treatment would be a suitable solution, find out more about Propecia. You can now order genuine Propecia tablets with convenience to help you restore healthy, thicker hair.